LAW Foundation Convocation
LAW Foundation Convocation

LAW Foundation holds convocation in Srinagar to celebrate completion of corporate law training for students

"I wish I had a fellowship," said former Supreme Court judge, Justice Aftab Alam while appreciating the initiative taken by LAW Foundation to train law students.

The Lawyers At Work (LAW) Foundation, a non-profit organisation that offers fellowship and training opportunities for law students, recently held a convocation in Srinagar to celebrate the completion of training of Kashmir-based students in the field of corporate law.

Former judge of the Supreme Court Justice (retd) Aftab Alam was the Chief Guest.

"I wish I had a fellowship," said Justice Alam while appreciating the initiative taken by LAW Foundation to train law students for upcoming emerging challenges.

The program facilitated by LAW Foundation recognized nine students for their achievements. They were provided training in the field of corporate law with the assistance of different law faculty members from various parts of the country who are associated with the corporate sector, said LAW Project Manager Sehrish Sami Wani.

Speaking to Bar & Bench, founder of LAW Foundation Talha Salaria said that the LAW Accelerator Program had three modules dealing with legal methods, legal research and writing.

"We also familiarized them with analytical and legal reasoning skill as well as reviewing and reading various contracts in the context of laws of India," Salaria said.

On the need for such an initiative in the Valley, she said,

"There is a relatively nascent private sector in Jammu & Kashmir which, therefore, doesn't provide the same opportunities in corporate law as the metros or some of the other big cities in India."

She added that to attract prospective employers in the legal community, the organisation is building a brand of students that can hit the ground running and who can add significant value from day one.

Salaria also shared the inspiration behind the initiative for law students in Kashmir.

"There was a young girl, studying in Kashmir. One day, while running around the Dal Lake, I met her. It was early on a Sunday morning. I asked her: 'What are you looking for, with a big school bag and your back to the lake?' She replied, with a spark in her eyes: 'I am waiting for the bus to take me to school. Our exams have been postponed several times and finally we have it today. This exam will help me get promoted to the next class.' 

What struck me was not just her willing presence on a Sunday morning, waiting to go to school, but the sparkle in her eye, the eagerness, enthusiasm and excitement in her voice, to give her exam and move forward in life. She knew opportunity cost at that young age. 

And that is the day, personally for me, that I decided I wanted to do something for all such youngsters who have sparkles in their eyes to make it in life!"

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