IndusLaw has announced the addition of Divij Kumar, Amrita Tonk, and Abhimanyu Kampani to the firm's Delhi office in the dispute resolution practice team. .The three partners are joining along with their teams including Principal Associates - Arnav Sanyal, Varun Tandon and Associates – Shivang Mukherji, and Shweta Singh..Kumar regularly appears before the Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, and National Company Law Tribunals, across the Country, as well as before the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. He has 14 years of extensive experience in advising and representing clients in various sectors such as FMCG, Banking and Finance, Hydro Power, and Construction (Infrastructure and Real Estate)..Tonk has a wealth of experience in handling cases and advising on disputes pertaining to the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, Commercial Disputes, Consumer Laws, and Employment Law including POSH related issues. She also has extensive experience in handling cases pertaining to White Collar Crimes including corporate frauds. Also, she served as a Metropolitan Magistrate in Delhi from 2013 to 2018. .Kampani specializes in white collar crime and criminal law litigation and advisory. He has extensive experience in conducting trials and rendering assistance to all stakeholders throughout the trial in cases about money laundering, prevention of corruption, cheating, criminal breach of trust etc. .Prior to joining IndusLaw, Kumar, Tonk, and Kampani were Partners with Luthra and Luthra Law Offices India..Speaking on the appointments, Gaurav Dani and Suneeth Katarki, Founding Partners at IndusLaw, shared, “We are delighted to extend our warm welcome to Divij, Amrita, Abhimanyu and team as they join our dispute resolution practice in Delhi. They bring a wealth of diverse experiences and we are confident that their addition will further strengthen our disputes capability in Delhi-NCR office as well as nationally.”.In a joint statement, Divij Kumar, Amrita Tonk, and Abhimanyu Kampani said,"With our considerable experience across litigation, arbitration and white collar disputes space, we are confident of contributing to growth of the Firm's practice. We look forward to working with IndusLaw and contribute to its continued success.".If you would like your Deals, Columns, Press Releases to be published on Bar & Bench, please fill in the form available here.
IndusLaw has announced the addition of Divij Kumar, Amrita Tonk, and Abhimanyu Kampani to the firm's Delhi office in the dispute resolution practice team. .The three partners are joining along with their teams including Principal Associates - Arnav Sanyal, Varun Tandon and Associates – Shivang Mukherji, and Shweta Singh..Kumar regularly appears before the Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, and National Company Law Tribunals, across the Country, as well as before the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. He has 14 years of extensive experience in advising and representing clients in various sectors such as FMCG, Banking and Finance, Hydro Power, and Construction (Infrastructure and Real Estate)..Tonk has a wealth of experience in handling cases and advising on disputes pertaining to the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, Commercial Disputes, Consumer Laws, and Employment Law including POSH related issues. She also has extensive experience in handling cases pertaining to White Collar Crimes including corporate frauds. Also, she served as a Metropolitan Magistrate in Delhi from 2013 to 2018. .Kampani specializes in white collar crime and criminal law litigation and advisory. He has extensive experience in conducting trials and rendering assistance to all stakeholders throughout the trial in cases about money laundering, prevention of corruption, cheating, criminal breach of trust etc. .Prior to joining IndusLaw, Kumar, Tonk, and Kampani were Partners with Luthra and Luthra Law Offices India..Speaking on the appointments, Gaurav Dani and Suneeth Katarki, Founding Partners at IndusLaw, shared, “We are delighted to extend our warm welcome to Divij, Amrita, Abhimanyu and team as they join our dispute resolution practice in Delhi. They bring a wealth of diverse experiences and we are confident that their addition will further strengthen our disputes capability in Delhi-NCR office as well as nationally.”.In a joint statement, Divij Kumar, Amrita Tonk, and Abhimanyu Kampani said,"With our considerable experience across litigation, arbitration and white collar disputes space, we are confident of contributing to growth of the Firm's practice. We look forward to working with IndusLaw and contribute to its continued success.".If you would like your Deals, Columns, Press Releases to be published on Bar & Bench, please fill in the form available here.