The Madras High Court recently ordered the blocking of over 13,000 websites to prevent the piracy of the Hindi remake of the film Vikram Vedha starring Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan..Justice M Sundar passed an interim injunction on September 30, on a suit filed by Reliance Entertainment Studio, the co-producer of the film..The High Court restrained the websites, including several unidentified ones, from infringing any copyright pertaining to the movie to ensure there was no transmission, communication, display and exhibition of the film by them. It also ordered that the websites or any individual person must not record or reproduce any part of the film to make it available for public viewing, duplication or distribution..Reliance had said in its suit that it had invested much money into the film that had been released in over 3,000 theatres across the country. Being a co-producer having legal rights over the film, there was an imminent threat of infringement of its copyright, the suit stated..Justice Sundar said that issuing notices to all respondent parties will result in delay and defeat the object of granting an interim order. The Court thus granted the interim injunction for six weeks."In terms of balance of convenience, if this interim order is not granted now, it can result in alleged piracy being completed in all and every aspect of the matter. Thereafter, it will lead to an irreversible situation and therefore, irreparable legal injury incapable of compensation," the order stated..[Read order]
The Madras High Court recently ordered the blocking of over 13,000 websites to prevent the piracy of the Hindi remake of the film Vikram Vedha starring Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan..Justice M Sundar passed an interim injunction on September 30, on a suit filed by Reliance Entertainment Studio, the co-producer of the film..The High Court restrained the websites, including several unidentified ones, from infringing any copyright pertaining to the movie to ensure there was no transmission, communication, display and exhibition of the film by them. It also ordered that the websites or any individual person must not record or reproduce any part of the film to make it available for public viewing, duplication or distribution..Reliance had said in its suit that it had invested much money into the film that had been released in over 3,000 theatres across the country. Being a co-producer having legal rights over the film, there was an imminent threat of infringement of its copyright, the suit stated..Justice Sundar said that issuing notices to all respondent parties will result in delay and defeat the object of granting an interim order. The Court thus granted the interim injunction for six weeks."In terms of balance of convenience, if this interim order is not granted now, it can result in alleged piracy being completed in all and every aspect of the matter. Thereafter, it will lead to an irreversible situation and therefore, irreparable legal injury incapable of compensation," the order stated..[Read order]