DNLU, Jabalpur
DNLU, Jabalpur

National Quiz Competition on Human Rights

The Competition will be a two-day event, consisting of three rounds.

The Centre for Research and Studies in Human Rights (CRaSH), Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur is organizing a National Quiz Competition on Human Rights in association with Jigyasa - The Quiz Club of DNLU.

About Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur

Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur (M.P.) was established in the year 2018, by Madhya Pradesh Dharmashastra National Law University Act 24 of 2018, with the object of advancing the cause of legal education and achieving excellence as a University for imparting value-based legal education to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students.

About Centre for Research and Studies of Human Rights (CRaSH)

The Centre for Research and Studies of Human Rights (CRaSH) under the Dharmashastra National Law University (DNLU), Jabalpur, is an endeavour of the University to respond to the emerging regime of universal laws of Human Rights.

With a commitment of novel contributions to the Human Rights regime, the Centre endeavours to undertake interdisciplinary studies involving legal academia and the other stakeholders and contribute in the best possible manner to the global pool of knowledge on the subject.

Details of the Event

The Competition will be a two-day event, i.e., 9th December, 2021 and 10th December, 2021

The Competition will consist of three rounds.

(i) The First round will be held through Google Form

(ii) The Second and the Third Rounds on Google Meet. Schedules and other details to be disclosed soon after registration.

Top 20 participants will be shortlisted for Round II and the top 6 participants will be competing in the Final Round.


Students enrolled in any Undergraduate Programme.


Registration is free for all the participants .

Participants can register through this Google Form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkUPhYTNUERqqilKVSUIga2RwsbC0c6H7rTMGC-4je-c6aGQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0


First Position : Book amounting to Rs 1500

Second Position : Book amounting to Rs 1000

Third Position : Book amounting to Rs 500

Contact Details

Please feel free to reach out to us for your queries.

Email: crash@mpdnlu.ac.in

Ishita Sharma +91 8770089097

Ashutosh Chopra +91 7985069858

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