The Central government has cleared the appointment of three advocates and three judicial officers as judges of the Madhya Pradesh High Court..The lawyers recommended for appointment are Maninder Singh Bhatti, Dwarka Dhish Bansal @DD Bansal and Milind Ramesh Phadke.The three judicial officers, whose names have been recommended are Amar Nath Kesharwani, Prakash Chandra Gupta and Dinesh Kumar Paliwal.The Supreme Court Collegium had recommended their names on January 29.."In exercise of the power conferred by clause (I) of Article 217 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint S/Shri (i) Maninder Singh Bhatti, (ii) Dwarka Dhish Bansal, (iii) Milind Ramesh Phadke, (iv) Amar Nath (Kesharwani), (v) Prakash Chandra Gupta and (vi) Dinesh Kumar Paliwal, to be Judges of the Madhya Pradesh High Court, in that order of seniority, with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices," the notification issued by the Law Ministry's Department of Justice said..As on February 1, the Madhya Pradesh High Court, which has a sanctioned strength of 53 judges, was functioning with 29 judges.With these appointments, the working strength of the Madhya Pradesh High Court will rise to 35..[Read Notification]
The Central government has cleared the appointment of three advocates and three judicial officers as judges of the Madhya Pradesh High Court..The lawyers recommended for appointment are Maninder Singh Bhatti, Dwarka Dhish Bansal @DD Bansal and Milind Ramesh Phadke.The three judicial officers, whose names have been recommended are Amar Nath Kesharwani, Prakash Chandra Gupta and Dinesh Kumar Paliwal.The Supreme Court Collegium had recommended their names on January 29.."In exercise of the power conferred by clause (I) of Article 217 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint S/Shri (i) Maninder Singh Bhatti, (ii) Dwarka Dhish Bansal, (iii) Milind Ramesh Phadke, (iv) Amar Nath (Kesharwani), (v) Prakash Chandra Gupta and (vi) Dinesh Kumar Paliwal, to be Judges of the Madhya Pradesh High Court, in that order of seniority, with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices," the notification issued by the Law Ministry's Department of Justice said..As on February 1, the Madhya Pradesh High Court, which has a sanctioned strength of 53 judges, was functioning with 29 judges.With these appointments, the working strength of the Madhya Pradesh High Court will rise to 35..[Read Notification]