The Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry has intimated that it an amount nearing Rs 5 crores is available presently with the Bar Council's Advocates Welfare Fund for extending financial assistance to lawyers in need amid the COVID-19 lockdown. .Of over 17,000 applications received from lawyers seeking financial assistance, it is informed that 12,000 lawyers were found eligible for the aid as per conditions stipulated by the State Bar Council,.A Press Release issued on Friday further informs, ."Considering the large number of eligible claims and with limited resources, the Bar Council has unanimously resolved to disburse a sum of Rs 4,000/- to the eligible advocates by way of checque."Press Release.The cheques will be distributed through the members of the Bar Council and the President/Secretaties of the respective Bar/Advocates Associations..Advocates not members of any Association may collect the cheque from the nearest association in their area..In Chennai, lawyers may collected the cheques from the Tamil Nadu Bar Council Counters. Intimation in this connection will be sent in due course. For futher information, the lawyers may also contact 9360154221 via WhatApp..The Bar Council has also added, ."The Bar/Advocates Associations are also requested to contribute liberally not less than 25% of the fund available in the respective asociatios to meet out this extraordinary situation. "Press Release.Moreover, it is also informed that the Bar Council has resolved to request the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court to resume regular sittings of the court from June onwards, taking into consideration of all relevant aspects. .Read the Press Release:
The Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry has intimated that it an amount nearing Rs 5 crores is available presently with the Bar Council's Advocates Welfare Fund for extending financial assistance to lawyers in need amid the COVID-19 lockdown. .Of over 17,000 applications received from lawyers seeking financial assistance, it is informed that 12,000 lawyers were found eligible for the aid as per conditions stipulated by the State Bar Council,.A Press Release issued on Friday further informs, ."Considering the large number of eligible claims and with limited resources, the Bar Council has unanimously resolved to disburse a sum of Rs 4,000/- to the eligible advocates by way of checque."Press Release.The cheques will be distributed through the members of the Bar Council and the President/Secretaties of the respective Bar/Advocates Associations..Advocates not members of any Association may collect the cheque from the nearest association in their area..In Chennai, lawyers may collected the cheques from the Tamil Nadu Bar Council Counters. Intimation in this connection will be sent in due course. For futher information, the lawyers may also contact 9360154221 via WhatApp..The Bar Council has also added, ."The Bar/Advocates Associations are also requested to contribute liberally not less than 25% of the fund available in the respective asociatios to meet out this extraordinary situation. "Press Release.Moreover, it is also informed that the Bar Council has resolved to request the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court to resume regular sittings of the court from June onwards, taking into consideration of all relevant aspects. .Read the Press Release: