Akhil Gogoi and UAPA
Akhil Gogoi and UAPA

Anti-CAA Protests: Gauhati High Court sets aside discharge of Akhil Gogoi in UAPA case; asks NIA court to decide afresh

The High Court stated that the trial court had 'travelled way beyond the level of sifting of evidence' permissible at the stage of framing charges, and its order read like that of an acquittal rather than discharge.

The Gauhati High Court on Thursday set aside a special court order that had discharged Assamese activist and Sibsagar MLA Akhil Gogoi for offences under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in relation to December 2019 protests and speeches against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and alleged links to Maoist organisations in the Chandmari case [NIA vs Akhil Gogoi and 3 ors].

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