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Aman Lekhi
Ratna Singh
Lekhi also opined that in cases where the government refuses to take a stand, courts should come down heavily and make an example so that such an approach is not tolerated.
Aman Lekhi
Debayan Roy
Senior Advocate Aman Lekhi, who recently resigned from the post of Additional Solicitor General for India, speaks to Bar & Bench in this exclusive interview.
Aman Lekhi
Aamir Khan
The resignation of the senior lawyer, who appeared in several prominent cases including the Delhi Riots matters and the MediaOne ban, took many in the legal circles by surprise.
[BREAKING] Senior Advocate Aman Lekhi resigns as Additional Solicitor General of India
Lekhi tendered his resignation with immediate effect but did not specify any reason for his decision.
Jamia Violence
The Court was hearing petitions seeking constitution of an independent probe team into the police brutality inside the Jamia campus following an anti-CAA protest.
Delhi Police Swat
ASG Lekhi claimed that the intention of the mob was to indulge in violent activity, and not to hold a peaceful protest.
ASG Aman Lekhi
The statement was made following a tussle between the Solicitor General Tushar Mehta for the Centre and Senior Standing Counsel (Criminal) Rahul Mehra for the Delhi Government yesterday.
Criticise judiciary on basis of concept and principle, not on basis of opinion or ideology: ASG Aman Lekhi
Meera Emmanuel
ASG Lekhi was speaking during a webinar on the theme of Independence of the Judiciary, hosted by the CAN Foundation, which featured former CJI Ranjan Gogoi as the keynote speaker.
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