The Delhi High Court has directed news website to take down and block defamatory articles by it against the owner of NFL's Washington Football Team, Daniel Snyder (Daniel Snyder vs Eleven Internet Services LLP & Ors)..The ad-interim order was passed by a Single Judge Bench of Justice Mukta Gupta in the suit preferred by the American businessman against for damages of Rs 75 crore..Synder's grievance is directed at the publication of certain "defamatory and malicious" articles which levelled serious allegations to the extent that he is facing allegations of sex trafficking and is associated with sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein..Synder contended that the articles were false, frivolous and baseless. Since they were freely available in the public domain, they had serious repercussions on his reputation, it was claimed. .While the website stated that the allegedly defamatory articles had been taken down, the fact was denied by Synder..Considering the averments in the plaint and the documents filed with it, the Court opined, .".. the plaintiff (Synder) has made out a prima facie case against the defendants (the website, its directors and journalists) and if no ad interim injunction is granted, the plaintiff would suffer an irreparable loss. The balance of convenience also lies in favour of the plaintiff."Delhi High Court.Accordingly, after issuing summons in the suit, a direction was passed by the Court to the website to take down, remove and/or block/restrict the allegedly defamatory articles. The website has also been directed to not report any news on the same or similar subject matters. .The Court has also directed the website to disclose the basic subscription information in respect of the person/persons who had uploaded the allegedly defamatory articles on its platform..The order shall remain in force till the next date of hearing i.e. November 2. .Senior Advocate Dayan Krishnan with Advocates Simranjeet Singh, Partner at Athena Legal; Aadhar Nautiyal, Associate at Athena Legal and Advocate Sanjeevi Seshadri represented Daniel Snyder..Senior Advocate SD Sanjay with Advocate Akshay Amritanshu appeared for the defendants..Read the Order:
The Delhi High Court has directed news website to take down and block defamatory articles by it against the owner of NFL's Washington Football Team, Daniel Snyder (Daniel Snyder vs Eleven Internet Services LLP & Ors)..The ad-interim order was passed by a Single Judge Bench of Justice Mukta Gupta in the suit preferred by the American businessman against for damages of Rs 75 crore..Synder's grievance is directed at the publication of certain "defamatory and malicious" articles which levelled serious allegations to the extent that he is facing allegations of sex trafficking and is associated with sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein..Synder contended that the articles were false, frivolous and baseless. Since they were freely available in the public domain, they had serious repercussions on his reputation, it was claimed. .While the website stated that the allegedly defamatory articles had been taken down, the fact was denied by Synder..Considering the averments in the plaint and the documents filed with it, the Court opined, .".. the plaintiff (Synder) has made out a prima facie case against the defendants (the website, its directors and journalists) and if no ad interim injunction is granted, the plaintiff would suffer an irreparable loss. The balance of convenience also lies in favour of the plaintiff."Delhi High Court.Accordingly, after issuing summons in the suit, a direction was passed by the Court to the website to take down, remove and/or block/restrict the allegedly defamatory articles. The website has also been directed to not report any news on the same or similar subject matters. .The Court has also directed the website to disclose the basic subscription information in respect of the person/persons who had uploaded the allegedly defamatory articles on its platform..The order shall remain in force till the next date of hearing i.e. November 2. .Senior Advocate Dayan Krishnan with Advocates Simranjeet Singh, Partner at Athena Legal; Aadhar Nautiyal, Associate at Athena Legal and Advocate Sanjeevi Seshadri represented Daniel Snyder..Senior Advocate SD Sanjay with Advocate Akshay Amritanshu appeared for the defendants..Read the Order: